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Correspondence Feedback Survey
1. How well did this message from your sponsored friend help you get to know him or her?
Extremely Well
Not very well
Not at all
2. The translation of my sponsored friend’s message seemed complete and easy to understand.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Not applicable - The message did not require translation
Please share more:
3. If your sponsored friend were to ask what your favorite aspects of their messages are, what would you say? When they share...(select all that apply.)
What their home life and day to day life is like
What their family is like and what they do together
Information on their culture and community
Their interests and hobbies-what they enjoy and like to do for fun
Their hopes, dreams, and aspirations
Their individual and family goals along with accomplishments
How school is going and activities that are done at school
Challenges and realities of their life
What the family does for a living
Impact of Unbound activities and support on their life
Updates on their health
Photos or drawings
When they tell me what they genuinely want to talk about not what they feel like they have to write
Please share more:
4. In your correspondence with your sponsored friend, how often do you feel your sponsored friend responds to what you wrote?*
Not applicable - I have not written
5. If someone other than your sponsored friend writes the letter on their behalf, how well do you feel that person represents your sponsored friend?
Extremely Well
Not applicable - My friend writes their own letter
6. Please rate your overall experience engaging with the messages sent by your sponsored friend.*
Very Good
7. We understand there are realistic challenges to responding to your sponsored friend’s correspondence. If you have not written to your sponsored friend in the last 12 months, what is your main barrier? Select all that apply.
Lack of time
I am hesitant about what to write
The process of writing via your website or mobile app is too difficult
I am not interested in writing a letter
I need more guidance
I have the intention to write but I struggle to prioritize it
I have many sponsored friends so it can be difficult to write to all of them
The language barrier and subsequent translations make it difficult to continue conversations
I have a more difficult time writing due to my age or health
I simply forget!
I have written in the last 12 months!
8. Help us continue to improve! Which of these items listed below might help you feel more satisfied with the correspondence aspect of your sponsorship? Unbound could...
Provide tips on topics to write about
Start to provide prompting questions to help me construct my letter
Begin emailing me reminders to read my sponsored friends messages
Begin emailing me reminders to reply to my sponsored friend
Mail me a physical copy of letters from my friend
Create a way for me to send brief video messages to my friend
Please share more:
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